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Mission Virtue Virtual Rosary Bowl for all Ages

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The Mission Virtue” Virtual Rosary Bowl is a special cross-generational prayer initiative for all ages. On October 8, 2020, parents and grandparents, children and teachers from across the continent are invited to join and pray together with children and for children in the Americas and around the world. (It’s called a “bowl” because of the 1,000’s of souls who can join us…like in a big virtual stadium for God.)

On Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 3PM Central Standard Time We will be praying the World Mission Rosary together. We will pray the five Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary.

Virtue Heroes founder, Cathy Gilmore will lead a team of children who will each act as a Virtue Hero to represent, and intercede for, the five Mission Virtue Regions of the world. Children will lead us in prayer and represent the ethnicities of Asia (Yellow for the rising sun), Oceania (Blue for the ocean waters), Europe (Silver for icy mountaintops), the Americas (Red for the ruddy clay earth), and Africa (Green for the grasslands and jungles). Children praying each Mystery can imagine pretend prayer partners: Petros the turtle, Tito & Alba the barn owls, Joktan the chipmunk, Simcha the firefly, and Chava the cat…praying with them too!

Connect virtually on Zoom with this link: 

Wondering what a “Virtue Hero” is? These heroes are boys and girls who can say the affirmation, “I AM a Virtue Hero!” while using their imagination (with the help of a cape - that doubles as a pillowcase) to help them behave with habits of virtue and love. Cape/cases are available HERE.

Here are the Luminous Mystery Prayers the children with which will be leading us as part of the World Mission Rosary.

The Baptism of Jesus _ Petros.png
The Wedding at Cana _ Tito and Alba.png
Jesus Proclaims His Kingdom _ Joktan-2.png
The Transfiguration _ Simcha.png

Our prayer intention will be asking God to enkindle a deep desire for

the grace of holy FAITH & habits of Heroic VIRTUE

in the hearts of grownups, children, and families

across America and around the world.

This event will be graciously hosted, by Father David Uribe, with the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, in the main chapel at the beautiful National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in the heart of midwest USA. Up to 100 locals can come pray in person at the Shrine, but most people will join in this experience virtually. Local attendees need to register here so we stay within the 100 person number. The global mission work of the Oblates unites in perfect synergy with the international spirit of prayer for this event.

Images are from the beautiful National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, Illinois.

Images are from the beautiful National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, Illinois.

Who should pray with us?

  • Individuals, families, and grandparents

  • Students and parents who are distance-learing

  • Schools who have opened up for classes in person can invite parents to come early and meet their child/ren in the cafeteria or gym to pray this very special rosary for our nation and our world before heading home for the day.

  • Retirement centers are invited to bring their residents together for the zoom on a big screen to pray for everyone’s grandchildren.

JOIN with the Zoom link: 

as all ages connect and pray together.

The Mission Virtue Rosary Bowl is part of an extraordinary 15-day virtual pilgrimage of prayer called the Eucharistic and Rosary TRIUMPH TOUR led by the Coalition of Eucharistic and Marian Apostolates (CEMA). This powerful movement of prayer includes a schedule of daily prayer events at Catholic shrines and Churches across the American continent, starting on the feast of the Archangels, September 29, 2020 through October 13, 2020. The same Zoom link will be used on each day.

Check for the full schedule details! The event motto is: “Led by our Lady, we come to our Lord,” in praying for faith, peace, and virtue to flourish in our communities, our nation, our continents, and our world. We hope that this effort draws together children and adults cross-generationally. The larger goal of these initiatives build on the legacy of Venerable Patrick Peyton who said:

A nation at prayer is a nation at peace,
and the family that prays together stays together.
— Venerable Patrick Peyton

To know more about the holy heroic Father Patrick Peyton, visit and find out how you can see the story of his amazing life and legacy. Download a printable booklet to enable your family to try out praying the rosary together for 35 days with this LINK.

Prayer gives us the grace to super-power the strength of virtue in us!

Moshe, the Tiny Virtue Hero of Humility, hopes that every child will cling to the mantle of Mary and desire to become a holy hero of virtue!

Moshe, the Tiny Virtue Hero of Humility, hopes that every child will cling to

the mantle of Mary and desire to become a holy hero of virtue!

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