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Catholic Brain Virtual Retreat

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Cathy’s Catholic Brain Retreat Presentation:

How you can help children and youth overcome the moral toxins and spiritual emptiness of modern culture with… JOYFUL HEROIC VIRTUE!

Virtue Heroes Founder, and Virtue Advocate, Cathy Gilmore, will be a featured speaker at the National Catholic Brain Virtual Retreat for Catechists, Faith Formation Leaders and Parents (who now are teamed up with educators more personally than ever before) who are working to form children in faith in the midst of difficult times.

Cathy’s presentation will equip you with practical tools to help children and youth overcome the moral toxins and spiritual emptiness of modern culture with JOYFUL heroic virtue!

Register for FREE at . Here’s the link:

Cathy’s presentation is at 2:00 PM on Saturday, September 5, on the second day of an amazing 2-day retreat experience for anyone preparing to form children in faith this fall.

Check out the video below and get to know Mosongo Osong, founder of Catholic Brain, in a Catholic Marketing Network interview by Virtue Heroes founder, Cathy Gilmore.

October 8

Mission Virtue Virtual Rosary Bowl for all Ages