The Virtue Advocate: Cathy Gilmore
Cathy Gilmore is a Virtue Advocate and the creator of the Virtue Heroes. In a world groping in darkness, the meaning of virtue itself has been marginalized. Cathy works to shine light in hearts where authentic virtue is lost or forgotten. She is on a mission to empower children, youth, and grownups with fresh energy to understand and exercise true spiritual strength.
Cathy’s dynamic skill as a speaker, catechist, educator, and award-winning children’s author integrate with her background in marketing, and merchandising to create the fresh and fun approach to family virtue formation known as Virtue Heroes. A unique spectrum of creativity, with a supernatural sprinkling of faith, hope, and love has created the beguiling charm and powerful value of these characters who empower CHARACTER in kids!
Cathy’s passion is to captivate the imagination of children and youth and ignite in them a desire to grow strong in the true and lasting goodness of virtue!
“Mrs. Virtue Lady” prays that you and your children and grandchildren will be part of a virtue renaissance, renewing hearts, transforming culture, and blessing the world…
with each of us as tiny virtuous heroes for God.
“Mrs Virtue Lady”
View Cathy’s videos:
Freedom from Fear: A Personal Story: God’s grace freed Cathy from FEAR and filled her with the JOY of virtue.
Cathy Gilmore - Joy for all Seasons: A glimpse of what an event with Cathy is like.
Empowering Heroic Virtue: Practical ways to empower children with a desire for Heroic Virtue.
Enjoy Cathy’s journey of faith in an article published in a national magazine in 2021:
A Mouse and A Miracle is the story in which Moshe, the mouse, shows admiration of his hero, Mary, at the Annunciation, and her heroic virtue of HUMILITY.
In Wisdom Finds a Way, Amel the camel invites children to appreciate the Jesus JOY of the Nativity as he shares his story of the WISDOM of Balthazar and the three kings.
In Jesus Lost and Found, Eli the caterpillar, invites children to appreciate the virtue of fathers and fatherhood, through the story of the heroic KINDNESS of Saint Joseph.
Cathy’s stories that inspire Jesus JOY at Easter and Christmas:
Easter Bunny’s Amazing Day is the imaginative tale, co-authored with her sister, in which a new kind of Easter Bunny shows children how to overcome FEAR by choosing to TRUST in the risen Jesus.
Little Lamb Finds Christmas inspires the virtue of PEACE through the adventure of Lemi the lamb. In this story, children experience a glimpse of the Peaceable Kingdom at the Bethlehem stable, because when we are close to Jesus, even lions and lambs can be friends.
Connect with Cathy to plan a VIRTUAL or LIVE event to energize your group of Children, Parents, Grandparents or Educators.