FREE Virtue Heroes™ resources with handy access for families and educators.

Print-ables and Videos


Virtue Characters Page

Keep this sheet with all the Tiny Virtue Hero character images handy for children to refer to. Learn the names of the 35 Everyday Virtues and the friendly character icons that represent them. Color images are on the front, and their names and virtues are on the back. Build virtue vocabulary in a fun and memorable way! This page includes 35 characters. (Updated page with the additional new characters coming in 2022.)

Virtue Heroes BINGO

Motivate children to THINK and PRAY, DO and SAY virtue with Virtue Heroes POWER Bingo! Use it for a day, or a week or even longer. This activity can be fully child-directed. Don’t forget the HURRAY! part in which children get points for “tattling” in a good way as the notice virtue in the words or actions of someone else.

Virtue Heroes Guide Page

This is the “cheat sheet” for grownups and children to see at-a-glance the full list, and short descriptions, of the 35 Everyday Virtues™ that the menagerie of Tiny Virtue Heroes represent. This sheet makes it simple to build an ongoing conversation about the names and basic meaning of each virtue. (Updated page with additional new characters coming in 2022.)


HUMILITY: Virtue Word Search Printable

Humility is the queen of virtues. We begin the Virtue Heroes path to build virtue in children with the virtue of HUMILITY, beautifully portrayed in the storybook, A Mouse and A Miracle, with Tiny Virtue Hero, Moshe the Mouse.

Virtue Moral Compass

This is the powerful info graphic that shows the moral toxins and traps that assault families trying to raise children in modern culture. It also lists corresponding virtues that overcome those poisonous traits. This is the page Cathy Gilmore references in her “Overcoming Traps and Toxins” presentation.

Prayer and TRUST Activity

During Lent or in the Easter season, take time with a group of children at home or in the classroom to experience the “Jesus I Trust in You” prayer activity. It is a powerful way to involve older and younger children to appreciate the Divine Mercy of Jesus, who can take all our fears away!

Videos for Parents, Grandparents, and Educators:

Get ready for a dynamic presentation with practical tools for teachers and parents to empower children with heroic virtue in fresh and fun ways. Virtue Heroe...
In this video, Cathy Gilmore shares the back story of of her journey to overcome the FEAR that paralyzed much of her adult life. Once set free of FEAR, she d...
Mrs. Virtue Lady, Cathy Gilmore, introduces the Mission Virtue Challenge Magnet Board for children's virtue formation. Parents, grandparents and teachers can...

Videos to share with Children to build the virtue of TRUST, at Easter, or anytime!

Cathy Gilmore, "Mrs. Virtue Lady," introduces her video series called, "Heaven's Front Porch" in which children are empowered to become VIRTUE HEROES. She he...
Cathy Gilmore, "Mrs. Virtue Lady," introduces her video series called, "Heaven's Front Porch" in which children are empowered to become VIRTUE HEROES. She he...
Come to Heaven's Front Porch with Mrs. Virtue Lady and learn a song to help us have trust in Jesus to sing whenever we are afraid. Jesus Takes My Fears Away ...
This video prepares children for the Jesus JOY of Easter, by showing them how to create their own Easter scene, by imagining the death and resurrection of Je...