Jun_Goat in square yellow.png


Tiny Virtue Hero of Obedience

Jun is a young kid GOAT.

She is the Tiny Virtue Hero of OBEDIENCE.

Jun, the kid GOAT is the Tiny Virtue Hero of OBEDIENCE. Jun wanted very much to be as docile as a lamb, but had a hard time doing so. We imagine Jun as a friend to Mark Ji Tianxiang who lived in northeastern China. Mark loved God with his whole heart and obeyed the rules of the Church even when his habit and dependency on opium made that really hard. Mark’s virtue power inspired Jun to be an obedient little goat.

Jun’s Virtue Power: OBEDIENCE is following the direction of rightful authority.

Jun’s Virtue Color: YELLOW

Jun’s Tiny Virtue Hero Team: TEAM LIFE

Jun’s favorite Spiritual History Story: The story of Noah’s obedience to God in building the ark to save so many animals at the time of the great flood.

Jun’s favorite Bible Virtue Hero: Noah          

Jun invites us to pray in a special way for the MISSION VIRTUE Region of ASIA

Jun’s favorite MISSION VIRTUE Hero: Mark Ji Tianxiang of China



Hahona the Koala Bear


Cara the Rabbit