
Cath-Lit Live! - Guest Cathy Gilmore

Book Summary: The latest storybook in Cathy Gilmore’s Tiny Virtue Heroes series is now available. Parents will be delighted to meet the newest “character who empowers character in kids." "Buzzin’ About Cousins" tells the story of Mary and Elizabeth at the Visitation and the life of John as a little child. Just like the rest of the books in the TVH series for kids 3-8, "Buzzin’ About Cousins" helps children imagine one of the Mysteries of the Rosary and helps them be inspired to think and pray, do and say…virtue. The story is told from the perspective of a lovable animal or insect, this time - a honeybee named Devoree. She highlights the virtue of inspiration - in which we energize the faith, virtue or enthusiasm of others. The illustrations by Jeanie Egolf, creator of the adorable Molly Mc Bride series, support the continuing pro-life theme in these books.

For Cathy Gilmore's Virtue Hero characters, stories, and resources: https://www.virtueheroes.com/

For the online source for virtue-rated recommendations of great books, movies and music: https://virtuesearch.com/

One of A.J. Cattapan's books on VirtueSearch.com: https://www.virtuesearch.com/content-...


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